In this supernatural thriller feature film, years after a terrible mental health breakdown, a young architect moves in with her boyfriend and is haunted by terrifying delusions. She must confront the source of her visions or risk losing her grip on reality.

Vivienne (Vivi), a young architect with a history of mental illness, believes she has left her troubled past behind after relocating to San Francisco and rebuilding her career. However, unsettling events begin when purchases a fisherman's sweater and moves in with her boyfriend Logan.  

Vivi begins to have visions and dreams of a dead girl with a message.These terrifying experiences revive the painful memories that led her to accuse her ex-fiancé of being a serial rapist—a claim dismissed as delusional, which was the event that destroyed her life before.When Vivi learns that her ex-fiancé has been arrested for serial rape and the death of the girl who once plagued Vivi, she becomes convinced there must be a reason for these haunting visions. Vivi discovers an old flyer about a missing college student suspected of being a Craigs-list sex worker too. When an old cat wanders into Logan backyard, it leads Vivi to beneath the oak tree where it rubs its cheek on a shiny root protruding from the ground. But focuses on the root, she see’s that it’s actually a human finger bone buried beneath the surface. She runs back to Logan hysterical, insists on calling the police. 

He tries to comfort her, assures her she’s seeing things. But when she insists on calling the police, he confesses to the accidental killing of the girl and implores her to keep his secret. But when she can’t, his demeanor turns violent. In an ensuing struggle, a branch from the oak tree over the pool crashes down, striking Logan and knocking him into the pool. Vivi watches as blood streams from Logan's head, his body lifeless. For a fleeting moment,Vivi has a vision of Mallory’s death, as she sunk to the bottom of the pool while a very high Logan watched curiously. The vision fades, leaving Vivi to grapple with the truth of Logan's dark secret and the realization that her perceptions were not delusions but revelations that ultimately saved her life.

In this supernatural thriller feature film, years after a terrible mental health breakdown, a young architect moves in with her boyfriend and is haunted by terrifying delusions. She must confront the source of her visions or risk losing her grip on reality.

Vivienne (Vivi), a young architect with a history of mental illness, believes she has left her troubled past behind after relocating to San Francisco and rebuilding her career. However, unsettling events begin when purchases a fisherman's sweater and moves in with her boyfriend Logan.  

Vivi begins to have visions and dreams of a dead girl with a message.These terrifying experiences revive the painful memories that led her to accuse her ex-fiancé of being a serial rapist—a claim dismissed as delusional, which was the event that destroyed her life before.When Vivi learns that her ex-fiancé has been arrested for serial rape and the death of the girl who once plagued Vivi, she becomes convinced there must be a reason for these haunting visions. Vivi discovers an old flyer about a missing college student suspected of being a Craigs-list sex worker too. When an old cat wanders into Logan backyard, it leads Vivi to beneath the oak tree where it rubs its cheek on a shiny root protruding from the ground. But focuses on the root, she see’s that it’s actually a human finger bone buried beneath the surface. She runs back to Logan hysterical, insists on calling the police. 

He tries to comfort her, assures her she’s seeing things. But when she insists on calling the police, he confesses to the accidental killing of the girl and implores her to keep his secret. But when she can’t, his demeanor turns violent. In an ensuing struggle, a branch from the oak tree over the pool crashes down, striking Logan and knocking him into the pool. Vivi watches as blood streams from Logan's head, his body lifeless. For a fleeting moment,Vivi has a vision of Mallory’s death, as she sunk to the bottom of the pool while a very high Logan watched curiously. The vision fades, leaving Vivi to grapple with the truth of Logan's dark secret and the realization that her perceptions were not delusions but revelations that ultimately saved her life.


With a female lead and focus on psychological depth, suspense, and the visually arresting atmosphere of films like WHAT LIES BENEATH and GOTHIKA, BACKSCATTER promises a gripping, emotionally charged narrative designed to captivate fans of psychological thrillers, horrors and mystery.

With a female lead and focus on psychological depth, suspense, and the visually arresting atmosphere of films like WHAT LIES BENEATH and GOTHIKA, BACKSCATTER promises a gripping, emotionally charged narrative designed to captivate fans of psychological thrillers, horrors and mystery.